"A day without laughter is a day wasted"*
"I love walking in the rain so no one can see me crying."
"The mirror is my best friend, because when I cry it never laughs"
"As I began to love myself..." Here's the rest.
"Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause."
I'm sure there are others, but these are the most commonly-seen non-Chaplin quotes. These have been passed along over and over on social media sites and never include a source. Here is a good rule of thumb: if the quote doesn't cite an original source (when or where he said it), it may not be a real quote (plus most of these "quotes" just don't sound like something Charlie would have ever said.) The poem "As I began to love myself" is often accompanied by the statement that Charlie recited it on his 70th birthday, but this is completely false. It was actually written by Kim McMillen.**
I also have a post called "Five people who are Not Charlie Chaplin" with commonly-seen impersonator photos or people erroneously identified as Charlie.
*More info: http://quoteinvestigator.com/2011/07/16/laughter-day/
**see post by McMillen's daughter, Alison, in the comments section in the link to the poem.
"I love walking in the rain so no one can see me crying."
"The mirror is my best friend, because when I cry it never laughs"
"As I began to love myself..." Here's the rest.
"Life is a play that does not allow testing. So, sing, cry, dance, laugh and live intensely, before the curtain closes and the piece ends with no applause."
I'm sure there are others, but these are the most commonly-seen non-Chaplin quotes. These have been passed along over and over on social media sites and never include a source. Here is a good rule of thumb: if the quote doesn't cite an original source (when or where he said it), it may not be a real quote (plus most of these "quotes" just don't sound like something Charlie would have ever said.) The poem "As I began to love myself" is often accompanied by the statement that Charlie recited it on his 70th birthday, but this is completely false. It was actually written by Kim McMillen.**
I also have a post called "Five people who are Not Charlie Chaplin" with commonly-seen impersonator photos or people erroneously identified as Charlie.
*More info: http://quoteinvestigator.com/2011/07/16/laughter-day/
**see post by McMillen's daughter, Alison, in the comments section in the link to the poem.