Below is footage of Charlie and his brother, Sydney at the Exselsior Hotel in Rome. At the end of the video, Charlie faces the camera and says, "Mucho grazie" (although it sounds like"grazio") reminiscent of a year earlier in Austria when he said "Guten tag" into a camera. If you listen closely around the :44 mark, Charlie asks for the time and someone replies, "Here you are." Is it Sydney? I believe it might be. However it's hard to tell who's doing the talking at this point, plus it seems to me that the audio and video don't match up during this portion of the footage. Charlie asks for the time, but he doesn't appear to mouth the words until a few seconds later. The same goes for Sydney. This is my theory anyway. You will notice at the end of the video, Charlie is also holding a clock. When he asks for the time, he is hiding something under his jacket (the clock?) Then the video cuts to a closeup of him speaking to the camera. Did the clock have something to do with his asking for the time? Was it a joke? If so, the punchline was edited out.