Day By Day: 1936
Wednesday, November 4th: Chaplin's second wife, Lita Grey Chaplin, announces marriage to Henry Aguirre.Lita was secretly married on September 21st in Santa Ana. She was introduced to Aquirre, a tap...
View Article"At this moment I believe my troubles began"
On the evening of May 17th, 1942, Chaplin received a phone call from the head of the American Committee for Russian War Relief in San Francisco asking if he would replace former U.S. Ambassador to...
View ArticleStill relevant, especially today.
If you live in the U.S. get out and vote. It matters.
View ArticleArchival footage of French comedian Max Linder visiting Chaplin in 1917
The opening is on the set of The Adventurer. TheChaplinFilms
View ArticleListen to Chaplin, Nigel Bruce, and others in a political roundtable...
I've posted this before, but it seemed appropriate to post again since the election. Chaplin enjoyed a good political argument and was very passionate about his beliefs, which comes through in the...
View ArticleOn a film set, 1916
I believe this was taken during the filming of The Count. The dining room set can be seen in the background through the arched doorway. However, the set that Chaplin is standing in does not appear in...
View ArticleWith May Reeves at the Hotel Miramar in Biarritz, August/September 1931
Charlie and May spent two months in Biarritz during his 1931-32 world tour. He'd met May that April in Nice when she was working as a dancer in a casino owned by Frank J. Gould. She ended up...
View Article"I always knew I was a poet"
When Garson Kanin was a young production assistant at Samuel Goldwyn's studio in 1937 he would spend his off hours screening films from the Goldwyn library. After several months he felt he had become...
View ArticleGeraldine at the Chaplin's World Museum
Below is an article about her recent visit which includes a video & an interview--both are in French (use Google Translate for the text). But even if you can't understand it there are some nice...
View ArticleChaplin delivers a Thanksgiving speech at Plymouth, England
On November 15th, 1931, Chaplin took part in an open-air Thanksgiving service held at the place where the pilgrims embarked on their voyage to America. He attended as the guest of Lady Nancy Astor, who...
View ArticleUnited Artists stars & producers gather to protest the Fox West Coast Theater...
"We'll show our pictures in tents!" they said.L-R: Al Jolson, Mary Pickford, Ronald Colman, Gloria Swanson, Douglas Fairbanks, Joseph Schenck, Charlie, Samuel Goldwyn & Eddie Cantor.Modern Screen,...
View ArticleLita Grey, along with Chaplin & his enterouge, at her contract signing to be...
From left: Chaplin’s publicist Eddie Manson, Lillian Spicer (Lita’s mother), Asst Dir. Chuck Reisner, CC, publicist Jim Tully, Lita, Henry Bergman, Asst. Dir. Eddie Sutherland, and studio manager Alf...
View ArticlePhoto by Strauss-Peyton, 1921
A rarely seen pose from this sitting.I can't read Charlie's inscription very well. To Benny?
View ArticleChaplin at Trent Park, the estate of Sir Philip Sassoon, London, February 1931
Just came across this one. I think it's my new favorite.
View ArticleCover & inside photo from JOURS DE FRANCE, August 1956
This cover photo has always looked colorized to me.
View ArticleChaplin As Christ
In 1924, Chaplin invited four owners of his former distributor, First National, which had recently become a producing company, to his studio for lunch. Colleen Moore, one of the company's rising stars,...
View ArticleChaplin with his siamese cat, 1954
Photo: Len Sirman.Other views from this photo shoot here and (possibly) here.
View ArticleSydney Chaplin on "Password," April 29th, 1965
Many thanks to my friend, Tom, for bringing this to my attention. I'd never seen it before.Sydney mentions that he was still performing with the musical Funny Girl as Nick Arnstein, opposite Barbra...
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